Affordable Housing in Nigeria

In Nigeria, finding affordable housing can sometimes feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. With rising urbanization and population growth, the demand for housing has surged, driving prices up and making it challenging for many to secure a decent place to live within their budget.

However, there are strategies and approaches that can help you navigate the housing market more effectively and find a home that fits your financial constraints. Here are 5 amazing tips for finding affordable housing in Nigeria:


One of the most effective ways to find affordable housing is to downsize. Consider your needs realistically and opt for a smaller, more modest accommodation that meets your essential requirements. By sacrificing space or luxury amenities, you can significantly reduce your rental or purchase costs. This might mean choosing a studio apartment instead of a one-bedroom or opting for a smaller house in a less upscale neighborhood.

Distressed Sales

Keep an eye out for distressed sales in the housing market. Distress sales occur when property owners need to sell their homes quickly due to financial difficulties or other urgent reasons. These sales often present opportunities to acquire properties at below-market prices. Monitor real estate listings, online platforms, and local newspapers for distress sale listings, and be prepared to act swiftly when you find a suitable option.

Bargain with the Landlord

Don’t be afraid to negotiate with landlords or property owners for better rental terms. In many cases, landlords may be open to negotiating lower rents, especially if the property has been vacant for some time or if they are eager to secure a reliable tenant. Approach negotiations respectfully and be prepared to demonstrate your reliability as a tenant, such as by providing references or offering to sign a longer lease term.

Get a Shared Apartment

Sharing accommodation with roommates or housemates is a common practice for many people looking to reduce housing costs. Consider sharing an apartment or house with others to split rent and utilities expenses. This arrangement can significantly lower your housing costs while still providing you with a comfortable living space. Just be sure to establish clear communication and ground rules with your roommates to ensure a harmonious living environment.

Consider Relocating to Suburbs

Urban centers often come with higher housing costs due to factors such as demand, scarcity of land, and proximity to amenities and employment opportunities. Consider exploring housing options in suburban areas or satellite towns where property prices may be more affordable. While this may require a longer commute to work or other urban amenities, the savings on housing expenses can make it a worthwhile trade-off for many individuals and families.

In a country like Nigeria where housing affordability is a pressing issue for many, these tips can serve as valuable tools for navigating the housing market and finding a home that meets both your needs and your budget.

How are People Affording Houses?

Many individuals in Nigeria wonder how much house they can afford based on their salary. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer, as housing affordability depends on various factors including individual financial circumstances, debt obligations, and personal preferences, there are some general guidelines to consider.

How Much House Can I Afford With 60k Salary?

For example, someone earning a salary of ₦60,000 may find it challenging to afford a mortgage or rent for a larger, more expensive property in urban areas. However, by following the tips mentioned above, such as downsizing, exploring shared accommodation options, or considering properties in suburban areas, it is still possible to find housing that fits within this budget.

How Much House Can I Afford With 80k or 200k Salary?

Similarly, individuals earning ₦80,000 or ₦200,000 can explore different housing options based on their salaries. Those earning higher incomes may have more flexibility in terms of housing choices but should still be mindful of budgeting wisely and not overextending themselves financially.


Ultimately, the key to finding affordable housing is to carefully assess your financial situation, prioritize your housing needs, and explore various options by tabulating an affordable housing list until you find a solution that aligns with your budget and lifestyle.

By implementing these strategies and understanding your financial limits, you can navigate the Nigerian housing market more effectively and secure houses for rent that are affordable and suitable for your needs.

Finally, affordable tiny houses are also good options to consider.